Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My personal experience with a higher power.

When I first set out on this journey in 2009 I remember having nothing and no one as a power greater than me. My version of god had been created for me, and any hope I ever knew had been shattered or faded into nothing. I was angry even hearing the word God and I absolutely wanted nothing to do with him. I was told by other recovering addicts to get a power greater than myself. I had a lot of trouble with this, but at the same time I was excited. I could finally choose what I wanted to believe in. So I set out on this spiritual journey looking for some answers. As time has passed my view on God and spirituality has changed. I started out just believing in the stars. They were real to me because I could see them, and even at times when they weren't visible I knew they were still there and would show back up. They reminded me of humans. They were simple but so complicated at the same time. When you just gaze up at the stars they make sense but when you think of how their balls of fire held up in the sky and constantly are always there they seem so complicated. It was something simple, beautiful, visible, and greater than me. I have a new take on things now. Due to some circumstances that have occurred I have come to believe there is something even greater out there and I now choose to call that God. I still have my days when I have to look up into the sky, but to me its all the same. I can see god in many things. He shows himself through the sky, nature, people, community's, and I find myself seeing him more and more everyday.


Anonymous said...

I love this post; God is real; and I am glad you found Him in your life. It is very hard to believe that we are not really in control of our own lives; many thnk they are; but we really are not. This is such a relief at times; when we finally accept that we have to do our part; but God has the actual last say; and that He already knows what is gonna happen in your future. I don't know you, nor what you are going through, just wanted to comment that I loved your description of the stars; and am thankful every day to know there is ALWAYS someone there with you when you feel alone or lonely. Because you are never alone. God bless you, your life, and the McShin Foundation, an organization that realizes this conception; and helps and saves many lives along with God Himself.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful post and I know the awesome person that shared it is an amazing, strong, powerful human being with faith in a power greater than themselves. We can do together what we can't do alone...

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