Thursday, December 4, 2014

Save The Dates!!!

Recovery Messaging Training

Come learn how to speak about recovery in the public and advocate for individuals with a substance use disorder. Lets reduce the stigma of the disease of addiction together! Our stories have power!
Saturday December 6 th 10am-2pm
Mcshin Foundation
2300 Dumbarton Rd. Richmond, Va 23228

John and Carol's Annual Holiday Open House 

Saturday, December 20, 2014 - 7:00pm to10:00pm
Come out and join us for some great food and fellowship!!!
Saturday December 20 th 7-10pm
10997 Sugarloaf Drive
Mechanicsville, Va

McShin Foundation's Bluegrass Festival

Saturday, February 7, 2015 - 1:00pm
Our 5th Annual Bluegrass concert is going to be amazing.... There will be lots of live music, food, vendors, and tons of recovery fun!!! Bands will be announced later.
McShin Foundation
2300 Dumbarton Rd, Richmond, Virginia 23228