Monday, November 7, 2011

Lukefest 2011 !!!!!!!!

I have to say, this was a huge success. Lukefest, as always, was amazing this year!!!! I had a blast. There was awesome live music, good eating, and lots of fellowship! I will have pictures and videos up very shortly. If you were not able to make it out this year there will always be next year! This event is so great especially because of the message that is sent out. Making people aware of addiction and how devastating it can be to the one who is suffering and the loved ones as well, but the bigger message is that we CAN recover from addiction. It is possible! Thank you all who supported this event, and to the ones who make this happen every year. YOU ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Keep checking in to see the pictures and videos. Also if you would like more information on who Luke was and why this event is put on every year please go to this website and you can also look it up on Facebook by searching for Lukefest. Thank you! :)